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Logistics Fine Arts - Cruz-Diez Studio Workshop

Junior Restorator - Apprenticeship

July 2013 - December 2013


I take particularly high pride in having been involved in Cruz-Diez's studio workshop in Miami. This world-renown artist has carried the Venezuelan name and spirit across all borders of the world, creating a legacy that will last ages.


In my time here, I gained my first exposure to SolidWork models and drawings, used to reconstruct large pieces of kinetic art (pictured below). These complex works contain thousands of individual parts, require high precision machining and extremely accurate configurations, to meet high quality expectations. The projects I participated in are valued at several millions of dollars.


This experience allowed me to explore the vast and intricate realm of art, with a solid mixture of engineering and precision tooling.



Pictured: first myself, then a handful of kids.

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